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Tag: posture

When Biomechanics DOESN’T Matter: Dr. Greg Lehman

When Biomechanics DOESN’T Matter: Dr. Greg Lehman

Please note that this page is mainly for my personal reference. My notes from viewing YouTube video Biomechanists find dysfunctions. Muscle timing changes, muscle tightness, ROM, weakness, stability, glute inhibition, lower crossed syndrome, altered motor control etc. We thought that biomechanics was relevant. But how many biomechanical research findings have changed clinical practice for pain? (maybe helps with injuries but not pain. Biomechanical studies try to improve how we function. We must answer: Once defined and measured is it…

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The Female Athlete

The Female Athlete

How do think we are hurting female athletes with exercise? Get concerned with the diagnoses they receive which may reduce the propensity of women to exercise – numerous health benefits of women exercising. World Health Organisation recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week and at least 2 sessions to be whole body strengthening. Decreased risk of cancer, heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes and strokes, etc associated with exercising along with increased bone density and reduced risk of falling as they…

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The Nocebo Effect

The Nocebo Effect

Most people are aware that there can be a positive effect merely from the power of suggestion, the placebo effect. Studies invariably demonstrate that reduction in pain as the result of an intervention are correlated to the expectation that there will be a reduction in pain as a result of said intervention. If you go to a doctor and you are given medication for pain then the chances are that so long as you believe that the medication will work…

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How important is good posture

How important is good posture

Had a few clients mention recently that other people have been commenting on their posture and they are concerned to find out that one shoulder is higher than the other. Personally I am in the camp that poor posture and its impact on pain is over diagnosed. There are people with notionally “poor” posture who are pain free and others who have more normal posture who have significant pain issues. The range of asymmetry that someone can normally tolerate is,…

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