Pregnancy Massage in First Trimester

Call: 0434 631 987

The issue of massage during the first trimester of pregnancy divides massage therapists. Some therapists (Richard included) believe that so long as there are no contraindications then massage is safe during all stages of pregnancies, including the first trimester. Other therapists will not massage during the first trimester but will accept pregnant clients once they have past 13 weeks (again subject to there being no contraindications).

Over years, the viewpoint that women should not receive any bodywork during the first trimester has been a common one, almost to the point of being accepted as fact. It is argued that because women are most at risk of having a miscarriage during this time then they should refrain from activities that may lead to the unfortunate event happening.

And this includes having a massage.

Yet there is no scientific evidence that links massage to miscarriage. Miscarriages unfortunately happen for a variety of reasons such as an abnormal embryo, infections (rubella for example), ectopic pregnancies and some factors associated with environmental conditions (eg smoking, organic solvents, etc). Massage is simply not a risk factor for miscarriage.

As long as the mother-to-be is in good health and feels like having a massage then there is no medical reason for her not to have one. Having said that though, the nausea that many women experience during pregnancy would often put them off booking in as morning sickness and massage is not a great combination.

Pregnancy in Sydney

Although the direct scientific lack of a link between massage and miscarriage is well understood by most massage therapists, some will still not accept clients during the first 13 weeks. This is their right as often they cite that they simply do not wish to feel responsible in any way should the unfortunate happened after a women had had a session with them. Also there are practitioners who will only see an expectant woman after they have had clearance from their doctor that they are in good enough health to receive bodywork.

First Trimester Pregnancy Massage in Sydney

If you are in your first trimester and in need of remedial, therapeutic or deep tissue massage then please call Richard on 0434 631 987 to discuss the suitability and availability for an appointment with him. He is accredited with all major health funds as a provider for remedial massage.

If you have any doubts, concerns or questions (for example, you are unsure that specific health issues you are facing may mean that massage is contraindicated) then please do not hesitate to call to discuss or ask your own doctor.